Meet our External Advisory Board – Anna Rufolo

Meet our External Advisory Board – Anna Rufolo

Name: Prof Anna Rufolo

OrganisationCIA-Agricoltori Italiani, Italy

Anna Rufolo is Policy Advisor for the olive oil sector and the fruit and vegetable sector in CIA-Agricoltori Italiani (, one of the largest professional agricultural organisations in Italy, which is part of Copa Cogeca ( ), the united voice of farmers and their cooperatives in the European Union. Since 2015, Mrs. Rufolo is a member of the Olive Oil Working Party in Copa Cogeca and she currently is the Chairwoman. She works on evaluating and improving policies and legislation at the European and national level, strengthening and promoting agriculture sectors while protecting incomes for farmers. Her job also involves monitoring the agriculture markets and production. She works closely with other sectorial professional organizations as well as national and international institutions.

” European farmers are directly affected by the effects of climate change and work under changing and vulnerable conditions. Increasingly frequent adverse events and pests threaten crops and food production. It is essential to have easily accessible innovative solutions in rural areas that facilitate decision-making and the management of key operations such as plant health protection, in a competitive and sustainable way. Overall, such innovations would help farmers in their business planning especially in relation to the best use of inputs and resources. I am a proud member of the MED-GOLD community, and we have high expectations on the implementation prospects.”


2020-05-29T14:41:18+00:00May 28th, 2020|The MED-GOLD project|
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant agreement No. 776467